
Posted January 2019 – Please note that as late 2018 LIN is no longer publishing a Print Edition. Please see Front Page of this blog for the details. For archive and memorabilia enthusiasts we are keeping the distribution list below. It’s not impossible that LIN will re-emerge in some new capacity in print in the future. For now, please stay connected electronically here on this site and on Twitter at @lowerislandnews and #LowerIslandNews

If there is an interest, writers can submit comments and blog posts.


Contact Information and History

Print Editor: Dale Young


Regular mail: Box 311, 2750 Quadra Street, Victoria, BC   V8T 4E8  CANADA

Phone: 250-384-7621

FAX: 250-360-1970

Current Editorial Board (2015):

Dale Young, Print-Editor, Financial Secretary

Sharon Hazelwood, Publisher

Diane Walsh Community-Distribution, Blog Maintenance, Archives, Contributor

Jonathan Lee Community-Distribution, Editorial, Contributor

Jock Bates, Mailing Assistant, Outreach, NDP Constituency Representing Member

Former board members/longtime editorial page contributors

David Olsen

Starla Anderson

Sue Stroud

Twitter @LowerIslandNews, hashtag #LowerIslandNews

LIN’s blog address: (this site)

(c) Lower Island News (LIN) 2013

Republish with permission, with credit to LIN

3 Responses to “Contact”

  1. Freya March 4, 2011 at 9:59 am #

    Great timing! What a wonderful tool to engage NDPers and other progressives throughout the lower island. My hope is that LIN bloggers will show that the NDP offers a positive, solutions-oriented approach (one of the main reasons I’m supporting John Horgan!) rather than just bashing the other parties.

    Can bloggers include pictures? (more interesting)

    Again, thank you for your timely entry into the blogosphere!

    Freya Keddie


    • lininvictoria August 28, 2011 at 8:58 am #

      Missed this comment! Wee bit of a late response. Better late than never eh! Thank you Freya for taking the time to respond. You’re the first commenter. Kudos! To answer your question: after some exploration, I believe WordPress allows you to include urls – and they will appear active – readers can to go to any website YOU include in your comment. In terms of photos, the best thing to do is to make sure the photo has a url of its own and then THAT url can be included in your post. If you have any questions, just email. Info is on contact page. Cheers.


  2. john nolan December 11, 2013 at 2:29 pm #

    Contacting the future.

    “TOMMY DOUGLAS is still about the FUTURE.”

    Current Canadian government politicians enact archaic legislation which, by their blind dogmatic doctrines, favour a return to the regressive policies of the past.

    When Tommy Douglas was elected to Canadian parliament in 1935, his ideas were considered radical. By the time he moved to British Columbia in the early 60s his FBI, CIA and CSIS files were weighty dossiers on the socialist scourge of Saskatchewan.

    When he became Premier of Saskatchewan in 1944 he began to implement his revolutionary ideas, like…building modern highways, electrifying the southern half of the province, establishing the first arts council and air ambulance service in North America.

    There were dozens of other fanatical social and economic reforms to follow such as:

    …Officially welcome interned Japanese Canadians to citizenship in Saskatchewan.
    …The enfranchisement of First Nations people.
    …The encouragement of unions for public employees.
    …Protecting farmers home quarter from bank repossession after crop failure.

    There were many others…

    In fact most social and economic reforms being eroded and strangled today by current provincial and federal governments had their genesis within the progressive movement lead by J.S. Woodsworth and rebelliously instituted by the Douglas government in the prairies…a long time ago.

    It is an extraordinary fact that 27 years after The Greatest Canadian’s passing and the year that Nelson Mandela, who spent 27 years in prison, passed away in South Africa…that political thinking in Canada is still outrageously lacking in the vision which these two noble humanitarian crusaders personified.

    The Harper government is a disaster…a protracted and ceaseless train wreck of legislative largesse for corporate welfare.

    This all has to be paid for, of course, which is where the political larceny comes in. Political and corporate profits grow at the expense of the people of Canada. Mr. Duffy is their ideal waddling advertisement as the Conservative Political Doughboy.

    The choking of public health care, education and other critical social programs tears at the fabric of Canadian society and jeopardizes all the advancements which have been made in the past 80 years.

    Unless the people of Canadian choose wisely their political representatives of the future we can expect to return to a permanent state of crisis and draconian legislation is bought by bottomless corporate cash banks.

    Tommy Douglas is about the future. And his radical ideas, shockingly, are exactly what Canada needs if this country is to have a vibrant future.

    Otherwise…It’s Groundhog Day…

    Social democrats have to stop squabbling and make reform happen.

    Liberals have to start being liberal again.

    It doesn’t matter who gets the credit. All glory is fleeting.

    It just has to be done. The alternative is a humanitarian nightmare.

    john nolan
    250 709-0559

    John Nolan is a theatre professional and freelance journalist. His theatre company is Phantom Poets which produces TOMMY DOUGLAS: The Arrows of Desire, full length theatrical close encounter with the spirit of The Greatest Canadian.

    The production is currently scheduled for nine presentations at the Ladysmith Little Theatre, Jan. 24, 25, 26, Feb. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and at the ArtSpring Theatre on SaltSpring Island April 16. The show is available for other Vancouver Island theatres in 2014.


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